Our Programs

We offer programming for everyone. Three different options to meet you where you are now [Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced]

60min Consultation

Book a one hour call with me. Letā€™s Get clear on your struggles, goal, and create a plan to get you on track to reaching the goals you have set for yourself. You will walk away with a tailored plan for YOU along with resources to support your healthy journeyĀ 

Bounce and Burn

Tired of boring cardio? Bounce and Burn with high energy dance moves powered by New Orleans Bounce Music.Ā This 6 weeks program is fun way to boost your cardio and drop the pounds. Also includes strength training, nutrition plans and support from meĀ 

"I started with Airee and the challenge. It was a great way to start working out again after having my baby. I graduated to Bounce & Burn Vol 1 and was pushed so much more and I loved the motivational messages. I recently joined the Crew for the live workouts and LOVE IT!"

Macayla S.

The A Renee Way - Programs

Our programs are simple. Take them anywhere and workout anytime. Minimal equipment (dumbbells + resistance band) required. 

The A Renee Way - Struggles

We know and understand that there are so many struggles on a journey. What to eat? What workouts to do? How to stay consistent? We help you conquer it ALL. 

The A Renee Way - Mindset

All of our programs build strong mindsets. Strengthen your mind and your body will follow. With contests and cash prizes. We keep you motivated!


50% Complete

Two Step

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